Friday, November 27, 2015


two eyes
I love this self-portrait.

Out of order

The tree blew over revealing corrugated roof of a Quonset hut or other structure. I am not familiar with this part and the cleaning seemed long for a hut.

I thought I might be close with the ducting, but there is a chest freezer and car nearby. It looks period though.

I thought it might be the ducting to a facility that may have already been located. I may have been standing on top of it, but I was afraid to walk over the roof as I know there are vents. I could not find the road and that's how I find sites.
There is a road I could have taken as a second try, but I could not bring myself to stay in the area. I see bear signs all the time. I know they are close and I normally shrug it off and push on, being aware and loud. I just got spooked this time. This is a small bear and they are generally more curios than older ones. Although, I keep telling myself I have never seen any!

All kind of prints around. Ermine, fox, rabbit, deer, birds.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

It's great to be 8!

Abigail, Father's joy
Topaz cross and too cute Tshirt provided by Grandmum. Smile, kindness, and humor brought to you by God.

Big girl cracking eggs for our muffin breakfasts for the week.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

All Hallows' Eve

Abigail had a jam packed Halloween as Princess Leia.. She went to two parties and went trick or treating twice. Kodiak has a daytime downtown business trick or treat, then on Saturday she went door to door. At the Assembly of God where she goes to Kids Rock they had games and a skit with young men dressed as cave men, one who was named Bones. An educated cave man told the others about Jesus (and hammers, fire, and wheels).

only in Kodiak!
Pete the Cat story character pumpkin for school. Abby got third place for the entire school. Each class made a book character pumpkin and individual students submitted a few too. I thought third place was pretty dang good. We had a fun time making him.  We learned about proportions, talked about what we would do differently, and explored materials (how do you make ears stick to a pumpkin?).