Friday, February 12, 2010

Going ons

I like to read the Public Safety Blotter in the paper. For you outsiders, we actually have a newspaper. It' s not very newsy, and really I just read the comics, the Blotter, and Thursday horoscope. Anyway, yes, when you call the police or State Troopers, or whenever they do something, it appears in the paper. For example:
Thursday, Feb. 4
At 1:31am a 911 call was received about two deer in the parking lot at El Chicano. Officers determined that the deer were not posing a traffic hazard as they were on the lawn of the Kashevaroff apartments.

Ok ya'll, this is "downtown" main street Kodiak!

Mostly, the blotters are often like this:
Sunday, Feb. 7
At 5:09pm a person called to report a man exiting a store in an indecent state and urinating on himself. .............

Even more often in the summer, it is about a bear in a trash can, and unfortunately all too often, as in the case of last week's, it was mostly domestic violence.

Now, no names or mentioned, but they often describe locations and cars, and it is EASY to figure out who is involved. And of course later, if a person is charged, their name appears in the "In the Courts" section.

Life in Kodiak is indeed exciting. Can you imagine if they published this stuff in Cincy?! It would be the entire paper!

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