Life on "the rock" today was particularly fabulous. Despite this morning, of which I will say no more, Abby and I went to the beach. The clouds did not in any way depress the beauty of the baby blue sky in the distant, the search for sea creatures, or the castle construction.
After an arduous visit to the beach, Abby napped and I did pottery. After nap we ate and went to the playgound. After that we were going to go to our secret sunny spot, but went to the Ram site where we colored with chalk and watched the sun set - awesome in the true sense of the word.
The next day fog sacked Kodiak in and I couldn't have been happier. We needed a rest. Plus, I have to pack for 50 degree Fairbanks, where I am presenting at Museums Alaska, and 90 degree Oklahoma City, where I am presenting at a IMLS grant awardee meeting, just prior to the AALSH conference. I also just found out our Karluk One project has been funded. Go me, go museum!
I have spiritually concluded a chapter in my life and I have turned a new page. I found faith, through the difficulty of accepting the consequences of my actions and those of others, as well as the "fate" part of it which is just out of my hands. I now know peace, which will lead to bliss. I am on a path. I don't know all the twists and turns, but I know the destination.
I am thankful I have my ever so lovely daughter and my family. Although small, they make up for it.
I am satisfied with life on this rock, especially when I get to go to someplace warm once in awhile to get some vitamin D.
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