Thursday, May 30, 2013

Shaka shaka

Now we did not have the fanciest accommodations, but that's not what mattered. (Besides, we randomly got to see fireworks right outside the window one night, and Abby liked the shimmery red and blue curtains, which contrasted in an interesting manner with the blue and yellow carpet and olive green furniture. It had a mini-fridge/sink/plates/forks, a table to eat breakfast, and a good location. All we needed!)

  What mattered was the experience we had together. 

She only has a vague concept of the USS Arizona. There is a 30 minute mandatory video that people must watch before going, and she asked "So this is the boat where all the people were?" But then she went right back to playing.

It was such an eerie moment to watch oil from the ship bubble up.  It really was a powerful moment.

I tired not to tucker her out too much...

so we could enjoy the pretty views and nice parks with wild chickens, in short sleeves!

I thought this was funny. The danger necessitated a sign, but not too much as you should go right there to dispose of trash.

1 comment:

mom said...

Wow! you did so many things! Made so many memories. Glad you went!