Monday, January 20, 2014


 Abby was a reindeer in the Nutcracker. This was her second performance. I really should have a lot to say about it, because when it is performance time, it is all-consuming!  We are there every night for about 10 days, which followed two practices a week for three weeks (sick, not sick, rain, shine). It's good for her, and she is really getting into it. Her physical coordination has somewhat improved, although that could just be because of getting older. She has amazing fine motor skills, but the overall body, not so much. She gets boo-boos a lot.

So beautiful!
By the end of the performance her costume was ripped and her antlers broken!  She worked hard, and so did her hair products!  It took a quarter cup of goo to get her hair in a bun!  Her hair is ultra springy.

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