Monday, March 31, 2014

Awesome week in Juneau

I went on a work trip to Juneau to assist at the State Museum in their big SLAM move, aka tearing the old museum down and completely relocating to a new facility!

 Abby got to go! I scheduled it for spring break and took her with me. Our big trip. No Hawaii this year - Juneau work instead!

 Art smchmart. She likes ot play hide in seek in the "art gallery". It's also a popular spot to nap.

 At the state museum, part of the week was spent offsite working with arsenice laced birds. We took photos, completed condition reports, used XRF ( to test for arsenic (they were pretty much all positive), vacuumed them (I opted to not vacuum), and bagged the birds! I am particularly proud of this bag.

Meet my friend chicken hawk. I like him becuase, well, his name is chicken hawk, and he was not treated with arsenic, so we could get to know each other more personally.

 I arranged for Abby to have daycare at the school. What, Juneau has daycare at the school?! Wow, what a concept.

 It was a nice school.  Everything was very close. Walkable.
I love the way the clouds hang in Juneau. 

 Since we had to walk everywhere, I was worried about the weather (afraid of a big snow dump or ice storm), but everything worked out great. We had days of snow and rain (totally pleasant) and a couple days of windy sun (also just fine).

 So we had fun in the evenings!!!

 Eating our way through town!

 Our funnest evening was walking ALLLLLL the way up the hill as FAAAR as we could go. The town grew straight up the mountain.  We went up one staircase, and another, and Abby still wanted to go up, and then we were almost to the top, so one more....

Found my favorite house! At the top of Starr Hill, right above the community garden and playground of sorts - a grey and pink quonset hut!  Had a yard AND a flat parking space!
The housing in Juneau, in comparison to Kodiak, is marvelous! Fabulous! Luxurious! So many cute houses!  This one had it all too.

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