Thursday, February 17, 2011


I was walking around downtown snapping photos, and I passed by a man in all camouflage, holding a camera with a serious grip so he could support the 20 inch lens - I kid you not! Darn magazine nature photographer - I bet he did not take one photo of Kodiak town! He was all geared up for "the bush".

I have taken a new interest in photography. I stopped doing photography when spending ten hours in a darkroom became unfeasible and undesirable. I was not very smitten with digital photography, being a snobbish artist (arteest), only using it to capture Abby and fond memories. Recently I have discovered a particular joy in it. It is very disposable. You don't have the investment in each image, and there is not as much creativity as with film and development (Funny to find that both Patrick and I liked to selenium tone.) At least for now though, while the sun is in a good spot, I am clicking away.

I tend to take landscapes, e.g. the boats in the harbor, butam trying to focus on details, textures, and everyday scenes.

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