Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mais oui!

This weekend I was busy putting back my house. The landlord had ripped up the carpet in one bedroom because of the fuel leak. All the stuff was moved, then back it, and then out again so the carpet could be laid - I have taken this annoyance as an opportunity to purge! I have rid myself of seven bags of stuff, mostly Abby and my clothes. I go up and down a size apparently, but have lost weight, so I don't need the grandest size, so those got purged, along with summer clothes I naively brought with me. Abby was pretty patient through all the mess and time spent away from giving attention to her. We played a little, but not as much for sure. Not even any playdoh time this weekend. It is not done, mais oui.

I did manage to watch two movies - The Way We Were with Robert Redford and Barbara Streisand on OWN, yes, Oprah's network! Yes, I did. And I started Le Divorce with Noami Watts and Kate Hudsen. So far so good. I wish I could be called MM.

"Those (American) girls are not like us.
We cannot teach them savoir-vivre, good manners.
They find it ridiculous.
They only trust their instinct, their feelings.
And where does that lead?
Uncontrolled emotions.

A year and a half ago I would have said that was me! I must be more French now, because I cannot say I am the same.

And no pictures. I had to charge the battery, but did not have the charger. Then I forgot the camera, then I forgot the card for the camera...

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