Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Abby and I have been getting around a lot!  It's been fun. Above is the party bus (disguised as a school bus). That's Abby's boy-friend Canyon. That's Tim's good friend's son.  Canyon's mom has the same name as Abby!  Abby B.  Abby doesn't like Canyon because he hits her.  One day we were going over there and she refused to take off her dress. She said, "Mom, I want to show Canyon my dress." I replied, "Abby he doesn't care about your dress." Abby whispers, "Mom, he does. He says I'm so pretty." "Oh," I say, " then why does he hit you?" Abby said, "Becuase I ignore him."
HA! They start young! 

Photo by Abby B.

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