I think the kids had a wilder party than we did! An impromptu bath time, running around and jumping on the couch, lollipops and cookies, and a few fights!

Better than Indian Jones - Patrick is the real deal - an archaeologist in rugged Kodiak.

Yorkshire pudding.

Elk roast! Delicioso.

Even the dogs got some elk roast!
This St. Patty's Day was definitely the most eventful I've ever had. Started good, turned to tears, back to fun, to not good, to A-ok. I am tired of the roller coaster ride, but if life were an amusement park, I can't think of another ride I would prefer. Bumper cars are too jostling, merry-go-round makes me dizzy, water rides are eh, the cars you can drive are stuck on a track so you can't choose your own path, games of chance are too chancy, I kind of thought maybe a funnel cake stand so life would be sweet all the time, but too much sweet is a bad thing. For one, how do you appreciate the good times if that's all ya got!?