Snow??! Snow! Cold! It's like living in Alaska!

She is saying "Hi, granddad."
Z at Abby's B-day party, which Abz stilll talks about.
Abby has been snapping photos, they mostly turn out as blobular forms. Between the two of us, since I have been taking a few, we have a good interpretation of our activities.

Last week we made tiaras, one for Abby, one for Caramel and one for Flower. We worked on the one for Abby together, and then I let Abby make the ones for kitties herself. Caramel on the left was my kitty when I was Abby's age.

We went sledding at the gravel pit on Pillar. Great place for sledding.

"Fu fu (binky) on the carpet - that's funny!" says Abby.

First self-portrait.

Flower necklace on a broom.

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