Abby went with me on a work trip to Anchorage. We left a day early due to a snow storm, and juggled things around so we stayed with a friend for a night. This is a furniture store, not their house!

One of the days was a day off, and here Abby is at Bouncing Bears - a large space with inflatable bouncing things. Abby loved it. So much so she made herself a little sick!

One of the stops for work was to the Afognak Native Corporation building to inspect the exhibit there. Fancy building.

LOTS of snow when we were there, which was a vast improvement to the -20 temps. the week before! This is not a B&W photo.

Abby was a real trouper, going to 15 different antique and furniture stores to find a bookcase for the Ouzinkie Church.
Oh so high ladder and slide at Bouncing Bear.
I lost my purse at JCPenny (was that a sign I was NOT supposed to spend that fifteen dollars?) There was a twenty minute panic of - oh shit, how am I going to get on the plan? I have no money! AHhhhhhhh! Lucky me, purse was found. Lesson 1, carry copy of id and credit card on person.

This is a B&W photo - can you tell the difference? The pumped up contrast doesn't count.
When we FINALLY got home at 11:30pm, Abby was crying and cold. We had to get the car, but it had been plowed in, and the small, but impassable berm was totally frozen. Lesson 2, don't panic and calm loved one. Lesson 3, carry extra cash for cab ride home. Lesson 4, have shovel in car.