Thursday, September 20, 2012

A note about pallet fires (since we utitlized a few of the 20 pallets people dropped at the beach the other night): I in no way condone them. In fact they are rather annoying. I do not appreciate the nails on the beach as I like to walk in bare feat...If people isolated the pallet fires to one area of the beach, that would be tolerable, but willy nilly all over is just littering.  Speaking of litter, I have been noticing quite a bit as I have been out berry picking in the woods. Some hang out spots are trashed, while others have trash cans and trash bags and kids are taking care of them. Kudos to you!  As a friend said, my kids will probably go out partying and drinking (this is normal, eh?), but the moment they litter, they are in big trouble!

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