Monday, September 5, 2011

Darke County Fair - one person's entry into one exhibition class.

Abby with her large airplane.
Ack, made in China. Well, this one slipped by me in the heat of the moment.

Having a great holiday weekend. Took Abby to the fair on Saturday. Good weather! The exhibits were a little on the sad side, nothing like the Darke County Fair. Abby had fun though playing games, getting her face painted, petting animals, dancing (running around in circles) to music, good food, and a little rodeo.

I did not get to go hunting this weekend as my bff was sick, but I am now more prepared for next weekend. If me going hunting is something you have not heard of, well, I will be posting about it. In brief, what do I want to eat - cows that are standing knee deep in manure, corn fed and have issues because of it, injected with antibiotics but still diseased, and processed with ammonia, or a happy Kodiak deer? My way of eating is dramatically changing, slowly but surely. I want to be a responsible comsumer, and who wants to eat chickens that can't even stand because of our genetic engineering? What was once food is now a really gross product that a couple large companies control. No thank you.

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