Thursday, October 3, 2013


 Only in Alaska do you need reminders that you can's carry on ulus.

 To get to Haines I flew to Juneau, spent the night, then took the ferry. I love the ferry!  First time for me. I have never done the Kodiak to Homer trip because its 14 hours in the rolly Tusty with often 20 foot seas.  The, you are just in Homer, so....Anyway, the slow ferry to Haines is 4 hours. There is everything you need really. Art on the walls, cafeteria, movie room, gift ship, solarium deck, lounges...

 In the Hitchcock film Marnie, Sean Connery wakes up after there first intimate encounter on their honeymoon in the South Pacific and sees that Marnie is no tin bed next to him. He frantically runs around the ship, looking overboard, for her. He finally finds her face down in the pool.  He resuscitates her and inquires why she didn't jump overboard. Marnie replies, "The idea was to kill myself, not feed the damn fish."

 Lighthouse. Wouldn't that be a cool place to live, for a little while?!

 For a small town with a population of about 1,800 to 2,500, Haines is well set up. There are museums, a pool, library, restaurants, bars of course, well kept schools,  and fairgrounds, pictured later. I went to present at the Museums Alaska conference.

 The way this glowed at night reminded me of a Hitchcock film!

 Fort Seward and ruins of.

 New England?
 The entire Dalton City set from the movie White Fang is at the fairgrounds! The brewery in the grounds has a beer - Black Fang. There is also a pizza place and other business there. Also a nice community garden, close to town!

 Of course has to be delayed, so I spent an extra day in Juneau. Visited the Mendenhall glacier.

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