Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Delving into the ink

With winter full-on and me being terribly ill I have been reading a bit lately. I didn't read anything but US Magazine during my college days as I spent so much time reading hard core art history literature. After graduating I began reading Elizabeth Peters' Amelia Peabody mystery series. I have been working on that ever since! I don't read much in the summer, and in the winter it was taking me about 7 weeks to read a book (1/2 hour, 4 nights a week). I have been reading more, so I'm averaging 5 weeks now (1/2 - 3/4 of an hour, 5 nights a week). Okay then, anyway, I love how "Amelia" speaks and writes - it's perfect hoity toity English! In case you didn't know, the series is about how Amelia travels to Egypt to pursue her love of all things Egyptian, particularly pyramids, falls in love with an archaeologist, and how the couple and their kids keep getting wrapped up in murders and crime.

I usually just keep going with the series, but the last time I was at the library getting my next installment I ran into Charles Dickens' section. I have seen several cinematic versions of Oliver Twist, and each one has varying story lines. For example, in Roman Polanski's version Bill Sykes accidentally is hung after a long chase with Oliver, where as the Masterpiece Theater version (c.2007), written by Andrew Davies, Sykes is haunted by Nancy's "ghost" and then hangs himself. More curious is the whole plot that the family who ultimately takes Oliver in is his mom's former love and her sister(!), which was not at all in Polanski's version. I am curious to know what is written in the book, so I decided that I would change paces for a moment.
Spoiler - Sykes accidentally hangs after the chase and Oliver is reunited with his mom's family as I read in Wikipedia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marnie- we are not that different as you think- I have always been fascinated by Egypt. But especially, I love Dickens. It is not just the plot- it is his characters and wonderful turn of language. I was just going through books this morning to donate or sell. Will save some for you instead. Love, Mom