I sent the above bowl and jewelry to be auctioned off at WSU's Arts Gala, but the bowl broke in transit. It had a design from the terracotta on the Miami Hotel, which is no longer in Dayton, but in the dump, scattered in my parents yard....When it got demolished we would go late at night and collect pieces. They finally put a fence around the site and we got caught inside the fence. Rather than scurry away, my mom boldly went up to the guy, pointed to a piece of Greek Key terracotta under the large track loader, and said, we want that. After some discussion (I had long since split), I think he said something about wearing hard hats, we left. The next day the piece, although somewhat smaller and broken since the loader ran over it, was sitting by the fence.
I began pottery again. Been cleaning the garage for the past few weeks and last night I did a warm-up throwing session. I am trying to get a "masterpiece" done for Crab Fest. That's soon! Too soon to maybe make a whole kiln-load?
Marnie, Your necklace overbid! Bob was very proud of you! I tried to buy the pocket but was outbid by two other bidders. Bob felt so bad your piece broke that he donated yours annonomously and they had it as your donation. I felt bad he donated it and outbid the first bidder so I could give it back to him. Someone outbid him as he tried to buy it back. Then that woman got it. As we were leaving, we saw it and I went up to them to thank them for bidding and that it was my daughter's. The woman was so excited to get it as she had some larger handmade pieces from a California artist and wanted something smaller for her grouping. She talked for almost 15 minutes about how she loved it and all the beads. She couldn't believe you did it all (handthrowing, glazing, firing and beading). Bob says if you make him another one- no beads. Ha! Isn't he funny?
The bowl and necklace are gorgeous! you are so talented. Zoya
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