Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Did you know you can stretch your Achilles tendons? When Wai Lana says to do it, I try. She says "feel the renewed energy in your ...fill in the blank...." When she says that, I know she really means "you will feel pain later."
I can hear her chiding "work at your own careful not to over do it", but it's hard when she makes it look so easy. I assure you, it is not easy! She just makes it appear that way.


Janice Drew said...

Hi Abigail, funny, I used to feel the same about the tapes. But after a while I just did what I could and no matter what my teacher or classmates looked like or what I looked like- and now I can do Wai Lana's tapes with ease and comfort! It's really just patience and listening to your body and you'll build up the strength and flexibility. I've always had a very stiff back, and now it's much better because I've stuck it out and not pushed too far, trust me! Ps. Happy New Year!

Marnie said...

Wai Lana rocks! I shouldn't be so sarcastic. It is just easy to overdue it as she is so advanced - seemingly appears as if anyone could that. It takes 100% of my attention, and sometimes it's still not enough.