That little motion she does with her fingers, so funny.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Amelia Peabody again
I remembered something Nefret once said. “Is it wrong to care so much about someone that nothing else matters?” In the last extremity, when a loved one is at risk, nothing else matters. Certainly nothing so abstract as justice. It is, after all, a concept defined by men.
Postprandial libation (oh that's funny)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Harbor Walking Tour

Above is the Kilkenny, an old wood scallop boat. Not many boats are green. I guess it's a bad luck boat color or some such. And why is the bathroom called "the head"?

On my lunch break I went to the Whale Fest harbor walking tour. It ended up being a boat tour of the harbor thanks to Marty Owen! How cool. I had always longingly looked at Sea Breeze, with its stately looking wood, thinking it would fun to take a tour on it. The boat also functions as Galley Gourmet's dinner cruise, which I have always thought about going on, and perhaps that's something that my parents and us can do this summer when they visit!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Qunukamken unguwatemnek - I love you from my heart
Whale Fest entries, last year's leftovers.

Beach find du jour.

Friday, April 23, 2010

I found out today that my friend has cancer. Of all the people on Earth, she doesn't deserve it. Constantly upbeat and inwardly decent and nice, it doesn't seem fair.
It makes moments like those pictured above (like just hanging out at the beach with Abby and Shawen) seem oh so much more special, and makes other people and other things seem so much more trite and shallow.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Mill Bay beach, birthday party, bittersweet
Abby wanted in on the action.
Had to give the gift to its rightful recipient.
Jumping fun!
Playing doctor.
Little hands.
Hard to get picture with squirming daughter.
At church, the sermon was about mountain top experiences, the experiences when you feel most spiritual. The first thought that popped in my head is when Gideon and I were in Hocking Hills, high up on a the ridge of a gorge, sitting in the sun, panting from hiking up there, endorphins running through us. It was very beautiful, and we were happy. So, being free to relax in the sun with those I love.....
On Sunday, Shawen dropped me off at Mill Bay beach while he and Abby went to the video store. At 9pm it was still light out, but getting dark. The waves were big and foamy, a dark charcoal, with higlights of aqua and orange as the sun was still hitting a giant cloud, which reflected on the water. There should be a disclosure like there is on mirrors, the waves appear much bigger when on the beach - a little intimidating. Just the four inches of foam that brushed my feet had some serious power to it. The south section of beach that was once rocky is totally sandy and smooth. All the rocks were pushed up against the "rock house" as Abby's calls in, into a huge five foot high pile. There were chunks of logs wedged in between and under boulders, and rocks I used to sit on are just gone - moved or buried. Monday morning it was way warmer and sunny! The huge rock pile is gone and some new rocks are exposed, but for the most part it's the same ol' beach, but still impressive to see the effects of the waves.
While my visits to Mill Bay beach were exciting, and reminded me of the forces at work, sometimes it's the little things, like going to a birthday party, going to the playground, or just reading books where I find I am content. Abby has fun, and I have fun. Watching Ni Hao Kai Lan, the same show where Rintoo wouldn't forgive Tully, the focus was "think of what you can do, not what you can't do". And although I did all the things I can do, and was content at the time, I find myself still being bitter and sad. I don't understand what I did that is so unforgivable.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
It's been a week. A week of feeling like I have a weight pressing on my chest. But this blog is supposed to be about......
My cat! Well, he's still kickin', but I can see him starting to slow down, so his time in near. Soon enough I will no longer hear his impetuous mewing, but will be inflicted with his white shed fur forever.
Kodiak - holy cow, it's Spring?! Not warm, but light out all the hours I am awake. I enjoy hearing the seagulls squawk as they hover over the channel. Kodiak is quiet when the wind isn't blowing. I can hear someone's footsteps a block away (a form of measurement of someone who obviously grew up in the city). The cool air feels good on my face, but I still need gloves and a scarf. Abby and I have hit the playground twice already. She loves it, and screams and kicks when we leave.
Abby is amazing. So bella, and so hyper.
My cat! Well, he's still kickin', but I can see him starting to slow down, so his time in near. Soon enough I will no longer hear his impetuous mewing, but will be inflicted with his white shed fur forever.
Still looking for trouble.
Kodiak - holy cow, it's Spring?! Not warm, but light out all the hours I am awake. I enjoy hearing the seagulls squawk as they hover over the channel. Kodiak is quiet when the wind isn't blowing. I can hear someone's footsteps a block away (a form of measurement of someone who obviously grew up in the city). The cool air feels good on my face, but I still need gloves and a scarf. Abby and I have hit the playground twice already. She loves it, and screams and kicks when we leave.
Abby is amazing. So bella, and so hyper.
Do I need a caption for this?!
Perhaps you can come up with something funny....
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Although the problem with niceties from Shawen is that I have to take them with a grain of salt. For example, he took care of Abby for four days when she was sick, and I only had to take off one day of work, and that's great, but he doesn't give me poopery (pottery) time and can be a little disagreeable sometimes when I have a problem (e.g. my back hurts and I'm tured - ha ha freudian -when I'm a turd, I think I meant tired, same thing) Too selfish am I? Probably. But the thing with pottery, is that I am actually pretty good at it and am FINALLY producing work to exhibit, and it's no totally selfish, I am making a few urns. (Shawen later added something like - I am selfish, I am a mom, and I complain about "self" time too much. He later semi-retracted and apologized, sort of).
On the other hand, no pottery tonight, but plenty of Abby, who talks up a freakin storm - literally does not stop talking it seems - "oh my goodness" (so funny the way she says that). She has learned sooooo much lately. She knows shapes, with just a little trouble with rectangle. She knows more new words than I can possibly jot down. Tonight I managed to trim her fingernails and paint them metallic pink.
On the other hand, no pottery tonight, but plenty of Abby, who talks up a freakin storm - literally does not stop talking it seems - "oh my goodness" (so funny the way she says that). She has learned sooooo much lately. She knows shapes, with just a little trouble with rectangle. She knows more new words than I can possibly jot down. Tonight I managed to trim her fingernails and paint them metallic pink.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Accreditation work complete!!! Well, sort of, the writing and number crunching is done, it may have to be redone later if we are not accredited, but happy to be done with it for now! And Alutiiq ancestors are being returned to villages to be reburied. Yeah. Maybe I won't work in a room with the deceased one day.
Friday, April 2, 2010
In case you did not know, my parents were rehabbers and I grew up in historic homes. The lovely Colonial Revival behemoth on the Park Dr. Boulevard was our home for most of my youth. I am sure my mom could tell the story more accurately, but it was there we began this tradition. The man who lived in my mom's first Victorian rehab lit his trees with candles, and we likewise adopted this tradition.
Christmas trees look very different lit with candles. Electric lights light from the inside out, where as candles light from the outside in. If you have never done this, I recommend it provided you fallow some basic rules: The tree should be fresh and moist, you should have a fire extinguisher nearby and an appointed fire marshal, you should light from the top down, be careful not to place candles so low as they ignite dogs' tails, children, or flowing dresses, and turn out all the rest of the electric lights - it's just detracts - and enjoy.
Oh yes, and Happy Easter.
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