Playing games while waiting for 2.5 hours for a skiff. It was a minus tide and very foggy on Spruce Is. I was just going to go by myself, but it was taking so long I convinced Shawen to bring Abby. I am very glad they were there.
Happy on board.
Fr. Gerasim's cell. "Known as a stern, but loving priest, Father Gerasim Schmalz dedicated his life to the Alutiiq people. As a missionary pastor he served the villages of Afognak and Ouzinkie and traveled to outlying villages to share his faith. As a monk he revived the monasticism of Saint Herman on Spruce Island. As a friend he provided spiritual assistance and gave generously of his time and hand made crafts." If you want to learn more about him:
Theotokos of Kaluga Chapel.
Chapel of Sts. Sergius and Herman of Valaam.
Holy St. Herman site where pilgrims collect earth.
Holy water to Abby's right.
Packed in like rats on the way back. The ride back was the least fun.
Holy Resurrection Cathedral at sunrise.
I was so happy I was able to see where Fr. Gerasim lived. I feel a close connection to him as I care for his collections and have read and wrote about him. It was a great day.
Unfortunately, my backpack got left behind on a skiff. I lost my phone, rain pants, and all of my favorite jewelry. Why would I have my favorite jewlery with me? I wasn't supposed to. It's a long story. Anyway, it's just posessions. I still have the most important and absolute favorite, my daughter, but a really sucky moment when I realized it was all gone. However, I got it back! I have learned I need to have more faith. I have come so far in this department, but have a ways to go.