v. stim·u·lat·ed, stim·u·lat·ing, stim·u·lates
1. To rouse to activity or heightened action, as by spurring or goading; excite.
2. To increase temporarily the activity of (a body organ or part).
3. To excite or invigorate (a person, for example) with a stimulant.
To act or serve as a stimulant or stimulus.
[Latin stimulre, stimult-, to goad on, from stimulus, goad.]
stimu·later, stimu·lator n.
stimu·lating·ly adv.
stimu·lation n.
stimu·lative, stimu·la·tory (-l-tôr, -tr) adj.

I realized how under-stimulated I am in Kodiak! Going to Anchorage was almost overwhelming, in a good way. Day 1 I had some work tasks to complete, which involved having a car for the day. It was sunny and warm and I cruised down the long straight roads, listening to music, my hair blowing in the breeze. I ate Indian buffet of course, and for dinner, I wanted a salad and dessert, couldn't do take-out cause I had to return the car, didn't want to deal with service, so I went to the Golden Corral! It was delicious.

I also was in Anchorage to present at the Alaska Native Libraries, Archives, and Museums Summit. The conference was at the Univ. of Alaska Anchorage. The campus is way bigger and fancier than I expected! I had fun exploring and walking around. Check out the library atrium above.

The Spine as it is called - a walkway connecting buildings. I like the plants, but wow, what a maintenance cost.

The BFA art show was up, and this neo-noir graphic work was awesome. It was about "infinite moments" - the moments and decisions that define our life, lead to people, places, moments that are important. From taking the stairs or the elevator, different choices lead us to potentially quite different outcomes. This work charted the choices/decisions and the subsequent outcomes a private detective made in one hour from 11pm to 12am.
In one path, based on a decision to stay home, he just slept. In another outcome he was killed, in another he got away with the lusty chick and the cash.

Like I said, I enjoyed exploring the campus. The fragrance, sight, and sounds of the sports complex was powerful - chlorine, plastic-like smell of the squishy padding, hard flooring streaked with rubber soles, male sweat lingering, the sound of ice skates on the ice....
Fancy architecture with an actual style. Nothin' like this in Kodiak.
Sven giving the keynote at the conference.

This open space in the arts building was in one of my dreams. Have you ever had that happen? You have a dream, and then some time later come across a space or have an experience that is almost exactly like the dream?
Yup'ik dancers at the Alaska Native Heritage Center.
Me chillin'.
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