Wednesday, January 4, 2012

For Granted

Abz and I took a walk in the sunshine when it was "warm".
She often complains she is cc c - COLD.

A bumpy ride back from Ouzinkie!

It's hard not to compare your own life to others. I had a fine holiday break. Granted, there was no family, no warm beach, no purchasing of goods (oh, furniture, fine cheese, guns, household appliances, etc.), but I have plenty else. I could easily bemoan the fact that I miss my parents, I miss warm weather (fresh fruit!? 10 cent coconut!?), and I am tired of not even having a bed frame, but I have good friends, a good imagination and lots of long johns, and I HAVE a bed! I think of the starving children in the world, and I know Abby is a lucky girl. And I am BEYOND lucky to have her in my life. It doesn't seem that I can do shit about people I don't know, somewhere out there in the slums of Mumbai, but at minimum, and I can continue to support the community in which I live. I do not take even the small things (blessings) in my life for granted. I know I have a lot.

Express discontent or sorrow over (something): "single women bemoaning the absence of men"
And thank goodness, there's no recent bemoaning of that! We'll see what happens. When things look up, sometimes it's still shit, but poo can be used as fuel and building materials, so......

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