Thursday, April 12, 2012

V is for.... Evey.
Abby's middle name is from the graphic novel/movie V for Vendetta. This may seem strange to you, but to me makes quite logical sense. Miss Hammond had quite the life, to ultimately become truly free - free from her own fears (and from the oppressive government ta boot). Abby will have many trials and tribulations, but mind over matter my dear, and you too can be free. Freedom is priceless, for I am not free. My debt hangs over me like a noose. Feeling powerless, feeling enslaved, is no way to be.

So, dear girl, I can't tell you to be happy, but here are some things that might help:
don't worry, be happy;
be with people who love you and who you love (trusting people is hard, when you trust the wrong people, it can be bad);
choose your career wisely - find something you love and do it! (hopefully it pays well);
do not go into debt;
remember how much we love you;
and I should have something more profound to say, but I don't right now (brain tired!).

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