Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Date night

And yes, I am trying to rock a fedora.
You're mommy's cool, right?! Maybe a little? Ok, well, at least I am to you now! And Daddy does not like my hat, but I don't care. It makes me feel "special", because clearly fedoras are not a part of the Kodiak dress code, which consists of a rain jacket (no umbrellas!), Xtra tuff boots, and carhartts, pj bottoms, or sweat pants. And Abby likes it too. She calls it my pirate hat because it has a parrot on it, arrg matey.

Some friendss offered to watch Abby so we could go on a date. Unfortunately, by the time we got Abby situated, we had all of an hour. We got dressed up - that was about it!

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