Friday, June 18, 2010

Key to a happy life, momma says:
Think happy thoughts, happy thoughts;
Never drink or do drugs;
Eat right and exercise, take care of your body and mind;
Smile and laugh often;
Find something you are good at doing, do it really well, and make money doing it; or
Have a low stress job that makes you happy (money may not be everything, but it will make life easier);
Don't get into debt;
Don't get into debt (yes, I am repeating myself);
Be kind to people, but don't get too involved, many people are mean and untrustworthy, even those you think are beautiful and kind;
Never hug tomorrow when you can hug today;
and pay head to all the other life lessons you hear about so you don't have to make the same mistakes. Over and over again humans repeat themselves it seems, thousands of years and we still can't get it right.

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