Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I seriously just realized I do not brag about Abby enough. I don't want to be one of those parents that an I Love Lucy episode made fun of - the "my child is so great" parent, but, my child is so beautiful, just insanely georgous, and super smart. She can count past 20, knew her a,b,c's and shapes and colors months ago, is on the verge of reading and writing, can color within the lines, and she's super sweet - all at 2.9 years old. (It goes without saying that she has good verbal communication skills. Yes, complete sentences.)

My mom sent an e-card for the 4th of July and Abby loved it. It has jumping dolphins, a puppy dog with the Flag, the Statue of Liberty, and fireworks! She identified all of these things, including the Statue of Liberty. My parents and I went to NYC when I was about 9, and when we were there I got a pop-up book about the statue, it's construction, and delivery. She loves that book.

Another book she likes is one that has "over 50 fun flaps" (yes, over 50....). Anyway, the farm-themed topics include baby animal names, counting, colors, shapes, and animal sounds. At first she did good, there were a few things she didn't know like the word hatchling and hee-haw for donkey, but now, she reads the book to me. Names of things are really easy for her, her vocabulary is super. For her age, she is a fantastic counter. She does well with shapes, I only remind her of rectangle once in a while. Colors though take her a little time. I am not sure what that's about. I think she is cooncentrating on the other aspects of an object - it's name, shape, how many, and just not paying attention until I ask perhaps (of course it's yellow mom, duh!).

Her beauty rivals even the supreme being. I can't imagine anything more beautiful than her - a true magestic vision. Not to be confused with grace. She's definitely a little clumsy, just randomly falling over and hurting herself.

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