Saturday, January 15, 2011

Snow melt

6 inches of snow, plus 2 + 2 + 1 +2 + 7 inches, minus sweeping off car times 7, shoveling stairs 6 times, divided by 2 white knuckle drives to daycare and grocery store, plus a taxi ride to daycare/work this morning = TOO MUCH SNOW!!! (for not having a 4 wheel drive truck)

Last night, I stopped by Safeway to pick up a prescription, and Abby just melted. Absolute full on melt down. I tried to soothe her by getting her chocolate and some super delicious non-Naval oranges they have right now (YUM!), but she just was crying and whining and hitting etc. etc. I was real patient. Sometimes I get very frustrated, to the point I am gritting my teeth, but I have been in general more patient lately, even dealing better with Shawen's recent constant rudeness. I was gentle with her, despite the fact that 30 people were staring at us (I think they were, I was keeping my head down!). We finally made it through the check out, right after she took off her hat and coat and threw it on the floor, and as we were heading out the door, a woman came up to me and said what a good mom I am. I said thank you, but kind of stood there dumbfounded, possibly with my jaw hanging open, because I just did not expect that. It made my night! Thank you kind lady!

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