Sunday, January 23, 2011

What I've learned, part 1

I have been thinking about how I have changed, what I still need to do, and thought maybe if I wrote it down, it would help.

In my thinking and behavior, I have done about a 120 (at least I think I have. 180 degree turn around being sainthood.) I am no Saint, nor will I ever be ;), but I have made changes to me so that I can be a better person - friend, co-worker, mom, etc. Still have to work on the friend part, as I spend 99.999% at work or with Abby.

Anyway, I will start with being mom, as Abby is the most important and ebullient aspect of my existence. The 14 weeks of parenting classes are winding down. Just one more to go, and then once a month for a couple months. I have learned so much, and although I feel like not sharing it with you because I am the one who sat through the classes and you get the condensed version, which seems unfair, I will impart the gist of it all.

I have learned about positive reinforcement (Good job getting in your care seat quickly!);

Positive practice (making Abby say "May I please have playdoh?" rather than whine and yell);

Communicating feelings and requests in a positive manner, concisely and clearly; and also how to administer positive rewards or penalties (Abby please pick up your toys. 5 secs. Abby, I need you to pick up your toys. 5 secs. Abby, I feel frustrated because you are not cleaning up your mess. 5 secs. Abby, if you do not clean up your toys, I will take away your__/time out. Tantrum. Ignore. Tantrum over. Let's take a break, and be quite for one minute. Whining. I will start your 1 minute over. Whining. Increase to 2 minutes. Ok, you are ready to be quite. Time-out over. Toys up. Next, Abby_fill in blank__e.g. colors. Awesome, you did a fantastic job coloring that horse!)

Although this is supposed to be so Abby grows up happy and healthy, I feel like I am more considerate and well-behaved. Kids do learn from example.

There is more, but that's enough for now.

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