A crazy windy rainy day - with loss of power and internet, but ultimately, a rainbow appeared.

Here Sven is giving Abby a lecture about behaving, because I had to pick her up from preschool for the fourth time because of temper tantrums. It was a bad one on this anniversary of my birth. We sat in the parking lot for 40 minutes while she completely freaked out. It's hard for me to do anything about her behavior at preschool as she is a lil' angel with me! I have been working on practicing speaking politely and attempting to get her to understand that sometimes no means no! Just hard for me to address a problem I don't have with her.

Jill always makes things fun!
I hosted a partay at the brewery. One of the most memorable birthday parties I attended was in Amsterdam. I randomly met someone with the same B-day as me, so I was invited. Their tradition is to give gifts (host parties), not have one thrown for you or to receive gifts. Anyway, I enjoyed hosting the event and having all the random people join our table for the food!

You can tell that people were having a blast...

No, really, it was a lovely time. I did particularly enjoy the people I didn't know! I was happy to feed them and enjoy their company - that Kodiak kommunity spirit! And of course, all my lovely co-workers friends were as always most pleasant to be with.

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