Monday, March 15, 2010

I was sitting here typing to Pink Floyd, but now that has been switched to Ni Hao Kai Lan. No surprise, Abby rules all.
We just took a backpack walk from my place to Shawen's. The three block walk was rather enjoyable, despite the snow. Funny, winter has begun in March! (Winter - defined as snow or ice on the ground that remains for more than 24 hours). Despite the apparent confusion of our weather, one thing is for certain, light has returned. It did not get dark till after 8:30pm. So, despite the precipitation in the form of white fluffy annoyance, in my mind, non-winter is around the bend. I dreamed last night of beach and playground time. Hopefully I can walk to the playgrounds.
On that note, I am recovering. I think the combination of knowing how to treat my injury and my physical strength has helped. I am not doing any forward or backward motions, but am trying to slowly get back to normal. I will not even attempt a forward bend until I am removed from taking pain relief. It seems that after eight hours, I am ready for some ibuprofen. I keep reminding myself it has only been two weeks. I am happy that I can walk a meager distance, work, etc.
Work I shall not comment on, except to say the next two weeks will be unenjoyable. Frustrating tasks for accreditation I thought were well behind me have popped up again.
Yesterday we went to Kori's birthday party and to church. Church has done me wonders, even if I cannot hear a thing and am in the playroom with Abby. I sit and read the Bible or read to Abby the educational children's books they have. I wish I would have learned many of these lessons a long time ago. For example, in Mathew, a question that was burning in my heart, and the outright doubt in my soul was sending me straight to hell for certain, was answered. It was a confusion that I could not find the answer to by my own accord, in therapy, or by anywhere I sought, but was answered by one sentence in the Bible. It has directed my salvation and healed the desperation that inflicted me. Of what I speak is between God and myself and there it shall remain.
Also in Mathew is a parable where the clerics or authorities criticize the apostles for not washing their hands before they eat, saying they are unclean. Jesus clarifies that it is not the act of washing that makes one clean, but one's cleanliness is determined by the words that come out of one's mouth. For what comes out of the mouth is directed by the heart. I have never thought myself as mean, but reflecting on many actions I realize that some behaviours do not truly reflect the inside. While I can improve myself with recent enlightenments, it is too little too late.
The books I read to Abby covered such topics as "overdoing it" (eating too much, spending too much time with someone or in one place), "gossiping" (speaking badly of your husband to your family and friends is most definitely gossiping), and being "selfish".

I finished reading Pride and Prejudice, enjoying it immensely. I found but one fault at the very end, and while it vexes me, the intensity the book overshadow this minor fault. For Austen reveals the deepest of inner thoughts and interactions amongst potential loves, family, and friends, so much so it is at times uncomfortable reading. I feel like I should not be privy to such conversations or thoughts! They are so personal and so revealing of human nature. it is much to comprehend and deserves a re-read.
I began Breaking Dawn, the final instalment of the Twilight saga. The first chapter evoked such emotions, from laughter to ache. The other night when I was drifting to sleep, Shawen turned to me and asked if I was ok. I did not understand, and he explained I was breathing funny. I did not realize my breath was agitated, but knew of what was in my mind. I find it so funny how many of my acquaintances have read these books. I think is it over the top silly, and to think a genius read them, funny.

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