Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Speaking of work, I have been inventorying objects from the Russian Orthodox Church. I don't actually do this kind of cataloging work very often (I oversee cataloging usually, not do it), and I have found that my vocabulary for describing many of the unidentified objects has been lacking. I have been googling a lot to figure out what the fragment of the Orthodox doohickey is called. Sometimes I am looking up simple words because I trying to remind myself of more specific terms, for example, I am trying to remember mandorla so I look up halo (I already knew this one, but you get the idea).
What pops up when I am searching is hilarious. For icon bag, pictures of bags with icons on them, like the Mac Apple or a Gucci bag. For halo, of course the video game! Obviously, people are not wearing icons and praying anymore, they're too busy shopping and virtually shooting stuff.

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