Saturday, November 6, 2010

Gene's funeral service was so beautiful by the way. I could totally envision him very happy with it, and there were several moments when I had tears in my eyes and a smile on my face.

The service began with the academy ladies singing, and the sound was almost like hearing angels sing. Of course, almost everything is sung. It was the first Russian Orthodox funeral service I have attended. We lit real beeswax candles and listed to Father Innocent and the choir sing many verses to pardon "Yevgeniy" (sp?) for his voluntary or involuntary sins. It took me awhile to figure out this was Russian for Eugene!

One of the moving parts was when the cross for his grave site was blessed. I got choked up a few times, but that was definitely one. Also, when Father Paisius read the bit about Gene and Father Gerasim, which I mentioned previously, was very touching. And it is just like Gene to write own eulogy! Finally, the "Last Kiss" was rather emotional. Each person approached him to say goodbye, many taking the icons on his chest, kissing them, making the sign of the cross with the icon over him, and kissing him goodbye. I blew him a kiss.

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