Shawen spilled a full glass of carbonated beverage, it went e v e r y w h e r e. The two ladies yucking it up next to us thought that was hilarious. Maybe too much wine...

Out of focus, but evidence of first chop stick attempt!
The family had yet another fabulous weekend. As mentioned, Saturday was the bazaar. Then Sat. night I went with the girls to see Harry Potter. On Sunday we went to church, which I am really thankful for, then Shawen took Abby swimming, followed by the sushi at the Powerhouse. That night after Abby went to bed we watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail, during which Abby woke up. She snuggled with dad and Venus and watched Monty Python for a little bit. We are raising a Brit com fan apparently! We will get her on Black Adder next.
Let's see, Monday was a doctor visit. Abby was VERY brave. She got a shot and a prick to the finger blood draw. All she said was "ouch". Super cute as always. After that we rang the bell for the Salvation Army at Safeway, but by that time her "cuteness" had worn off, she was tired. She said Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for awhile, but then switched to Happy Halloween, followed by NO. People thought that was funny. She made it through grocery shopping, but by the time we got home, it was meltdown. She was way over-tired. This summer, she stopped taking naps, but now with darkness she gets tired, but is stubborn about taking a nap sometimes, and on those days by 8pm she's a little mess.
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